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Find Ease  Find Energy  Find You


Gentle, Chiropractic. Merging modern science with holistic principles. Focused on providing lasting relief by upgrading your nervous system for more ease and energy in today’s modern world.
without forceful cracking or twisting

Is pain, fatigue or stress holding you back

 You’re not alone.

Modern life creates many such challenges…

Persistent pain


Poor posture

Chronic tension,  joint stiffness

Fatigue and low energy

Recurring injuries

Reduced performance,  slow recovery

Anxious, trouble focusing

Lack of clarity,  disconnected

Feeling stuck in life


Mona Vale Chiropractor Back Pain

…Did you know these conditions can all be caused by one common Primary Condition?


Conventional approaches focus on temporary pain relief, increasing range of motion or reducing spasm


We focus on the Primary Condition…


Physically Retained Stress

Studies show 80% of doctor’s visits are for stress-related illnesses.

Many think of stress as traffic jams, work pressure, relationship issues etc.  These events may trigger stress, but “stress” is actually how your body responds to the events – stress occurs in the body.

The first way stress shows up physically is Tension. The first place that tension shows up is your Spine.

Stress is a natural physical response, but your nervous system simply never evolved to process modern world stress – so this stress becomes stuck in the body,  accumulating far longer than is healthy.

And that is where the problems really begin.

Physically Retained Stress leads to pain and tension.  It distorts your posture and diminishes energy. These are all indicators that your body isn’t processing stress.  It also disrupts your immune system and organ function, impacts your thoughts and behaviours…

Click here to discover how Physically Retained Stress might be affecting your life and what you can do…

Find Ease by Unlocking Stress

Researched and refined over 30 years, our unique Neurostructural Optimisation works with your body to deliver lasting relief by addressing the underlying Physically Retained Stress.

Applying sequences of precise fingertip contacts, gently to specific points along the spine, there’s no forceful cracking or twisting.

The process delivers lasting relief and liberates energy, by guiding your nervous system to find and clear layers of physically retained stress.

You’re an active participant in your healing connecting to your body’s natural rhythms through subtle movements and directed breathing.

Your nervous system learns to self-correct and establish wellbeing from the inside out – liberating you to get on with your life.

Click here to learn more about the process…

mona vale physical therapists
  • Gentle holisitic care, NO forceful cracking or twisting
  • Thorough consult and Neurostructural assessment
  • Immersive Care Plan designed to your specific requirements and goals
  • Complementary health recommendations, rehab exercises, breathwork and more
  • Relaxing 30 minute regular sessions
  • Convenient location in Mona Vale
  • Supported by peer reviewed research (see below)

Getting Started is Easy…


2) Neurostructural Assessment and first adjustment

If you’re a fit for what we provide and wish to  proceed, we complete a  thorough (paid) Neurostructural assessment which includes your first gentle adjustment


3) Personalised Immersive Care Plan

From the assessment results, we design your bespoke Immersive Care Plan, that includes adjustments, breath work and complementary recommendations  to suit your needs and goals

What the Science Says

Our research page shows more than 20 peer reviewed published journal papers supporting the technology and protocols behind Foundation’s Neurostructural Optimisation.   Here are just two ground breaking studies…

Mona Vale Health

Quality of Life Improvements

This research by University of California Irvine Medical College studied over 2800 patients receiving this gentle type of care.

The study reported improvements with:
– Physical and Mental-Emotional Well Being,
– Response to Stress,
– Life Enjoyment,
– Overall Quality of Life.

Results demonstrated 76% of patients improved across all categories assessed, with no limit on the improvements even after three years of care. 99% of patients reported a wish to continue with this care.

Mona Vale Back Pain

Upgrading the Nervous System

Professor Edmund Jonckheere Ph.D. of University of Southern California investigated improvements in patients nervous systems as they were receiving this care.

Using surface electromyography (sEMG) on the patient’s spines, Prof. Jonckheere monitored changes to their nervous systems during treatment sessions.

Phenomenon associated with greater spinal energy efficiency and increased nervous system organisation was recorded.

This research has been presented internationally and published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Videos, Articles, Free Stuff…

Stay connected for helpful Information and Inspiration

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